Google launches free,online word-processor : Writely

August 24, 2006

Google has re-launched Writely, the online word-processor they recently bought, in public beta. Access to Writely is now free for everyone. Just sign up for an account. Writely does most things Word does, for free — and saves its output as PDFs and even RSS feeds (subscribe to a word-processor doc!). It features collaborative editing — multiple editors on the same doc at once — and can be used as the editor for writing your blog, saving out to a post instead of a file on your machine. This is a great-looking program for people who have always-on Internet, and for so long as you don’t worry about the NSA demanding that Google turn over its Writely files as part of some “security” procedure. Also: if I were a Google China user, I’d have some doubts about this, given that Google has shown that when it comes to China, keeping the government happy is more important than delivering the best product it can.

GO and Get It here :

What Writely can do:
Create new documents from scratch, upload them from most popular file formats (including Word), or e-mail them into Writely in batches.
Organize your documents by tags, or click to star the important ones. You can see at a glance who last edited a document and when.
Download your documents in batches for safe-keeping (in HTML), or save them individually in PDF, RTF, ODT or Word format.
Just click the toolbar buttons to bold, underline, change the font, make bulleted lists, indent and more.
You can add colors, insert tables, links, images, comments and more. There’s even an option to edit the document HTML, if you want that much control.
Offsite storage plus data backup every 10 seconds makes hard drive failures and power outages no longer an issue.
Pick exactly who can access your documents.

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